Apartment Buildings
PAC Design have designed numerous apartment schemes in London, South East England and the Channel Islands.
Primarily Contemporary in design approach.
Apartment Buildings
PAC Design have designed numerous apartment schemes in London, South East England and the Channel Islands. Primarily Contemporary in design approach.
One of PAC Design’s specialities is in producing hand drawn perspective views (alongside site layouts, plans and other images), to enable clients and planners to understand the proposals from the concept stage and its development through the planning process. This can be particularly useful at planning committees where attractive hand drawn images are welcomed
Often, a hand drawn image serves as a warmer, more attractive alternative to computer generated images. They can be prepared quickly and at short notice, and without the high costs of CGIs. Coloured visualisations also serve in the marketing of the units after consent has been obtained

Hand Drawn Visualisations
Here are some key steps when planning an application for an apartment building development:
Research Zoning and Land Use
- Verify that zoning allows high-density multi-family residential. Check height limits, density allowances, setbacks etc.
Evaluate Site Suitability
- Assess environmental conditions, soils, topography. Check availability/capacity of utility connections.
Review Local Regulations
- Understand parking minimums, open space requirements, design standards, and development approval processes.
Conduct Site Analysis
- Identify site opportunities and constraints – access, noise, adjacent uses.
Develop Project Concept
- Address market demand – unit types, sizes and amenities. Prepare massing study and layout.
Design Building and Open Spaces
- Create space plan, floor plans, sections that meet planning codes. Develop landscape design.
Include Supporting Data
- Provide traffic impact study, shadow analysis, model images, sustainability goals, construction system and materials.
Conduct Neighborhood Outreach
- Get community input early via meetings, open houses. Address concerns in application.
Submit Quality Application
- Retain experienced consultants to ensure compliant, convincing application addressing all key criteria.
Develop Approvals Strategy
- Plan for strong presentation to decision-making body. Be prepared to address issues.
Let us know if you need any other details or have additional questions on planning successful apartment projects!
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